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Disney Solos For Mallet Percussion
Disney Solos For Mallet Percussion
12 songs, including: Be Our Guest, The Bells of Notre Dame, Can You Feel the Love Tonight, Colors of the Wind, and more. Inhalt: Be Our Guest Friend Like Me Reflection Part Of Your World [Randy Newman] You'll Be In My Heart (pop Version)...
17,99 € *
Latin Percussion In Perspective
Latin Percussion In Perspective
Mambo-, ChaCha-, Songo-, Samba-, Rumba- und andere Grundrhythmen für Percussion und Drums
26,95 € *
The Spirit Of World Drumming
The Spirit Of World Drumming
A spirited global tour of drum circle instruction for the classroom and community; my book includes a comprehensive DVD showcasing school and community drum circles. People who want to discover their spiritual need to drum are welcome to...
34,95 € *
You Can Ta Ka Di Mi This!
You Can Ta Ka Di Mi This!
(Book And CD) This book presents a clear and direct path to experiencing the feel of pulse and rhythm. The exercises are fun and mentally challenging while incorporating the use of our physical selves for a whole body experience of...
31,15 € *
Etudes In Jazz
Etudes In Jazz
Inhalt: Etudes In Jazz
14,56 € *
Slap Happy !
Slap Happy !
French text only
19,71 € *
Kleinpercussion spielen
Kleinpercussion spielen
Spielanleitung für die gängigsten Klein-Percussion-Instrumente (für Musiker, Musiklehrer und Orchestermusiker). Inhalt: Agogos, Cabassa, Claves, Campana, Güiro, Güira, Maracas, Shaker, Tambourine, Triangel, Multipercussion. Die kleinen...
20,59 € *
Changuito - Das Geheimnis der Hand (+DVD)
Changuito - Das Geheimnis der Hand (+DVD)
50 Percussion-Übungen In diesem Buch mit DVD zeigt 'Changuito' mit fünfzig Percussionsübungen in Wort, Bild und Ton seine Methode 'La Mano Secreta', die Entwicklung der 'geheimen Hand', das bedeutet effizientes Training der schwächeren...
24,96 € *
Latin Timbales
Latin Timbales
Ein Kurs mit CD für Percussionisten und Schlagzeuger - Techniken, Rhythmen, traditionell und modern. Das Drumset ist in Latin-Stilistiken gar kein typisches Instrument. Die Übertragung der Percussion auf das Drumset zeigt José J. Cortijo.
25,90 € *
Beat It! African Dances
Beat It! African Dances
(with CD) Beat it ! African Dances is a brilliant resource for both general and more specialised music teachers working with beginner percussion groups. It presents sixteen contrasting workshops based on four African dances, providing...
25,48 € *
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